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Civil Twilight: Project Exorcism Page 3

  Bradi gave him the finger.

  Sevan laughed. "You'd like it too much."

  Christian watched the two go back and forth for a few minutes before he lifted a hand. "Children, if you are quite done, I'll see our visitor to the guest quarters and assure she's fed."

  "Killjoy," Bradi mumbled as he headed off in the other direction. He glanced over his shoulder. "You used to be more fun."

  Christian smiled wide. "One of us had to grow up. One would assume it would be the one with a child and wife." He pursed his lips. "And one would be wrong."

  "Har-har." Bradi actually danced a bit as he entered one of the compound’s sliding bay doors. The compound was built as a giant octagon, surrounding the village and the villagers, adding another layer of safety and protection between them and the outside world.

  Soon Jacquelyn was left standing with Christian and two young men she didn't know well but knew they worked at the stables. Christian shooed them away and focused his attention on her. "What is your family name?"

  She hesitated briefly. Neatalie was roughly the same size as Shamenia, meaning it was big enough to be self-sustaining. Christian couldn't possibly know every family name there, but he'd more than likely send a runner to ask about her so Jacquelyn knew better than to give an answer. "Best I not say or I'll end up being gifted a stall in the stables as my sleeping quarters tonight."

  He grinned as he looked her over. "Ah, one that doesn't see eye to eye with my people."

  "You could say that."


  Christian put his arm out to her, the gentlemanly thing to do. As her fingers grazed his arm, he flexed. Her hand slid over the many tribal markings he bore on his skin. She had none but had always envied those who did. They were stories of the person's life, there for all to read and understand. His spoke of power, of leadership, of his ability to heal, drawing upon the planet. He was tall, much taller than she. He glanced down at her and simply stared for the longest time. "Forgive me if I seem forward, but have we met before?"

  She wanted to tell him who she really was, that she was the same person he'd labored endlessly for weeks and months over, building an interface for her to appear to so many as a hologram before she'd expended too much energy and ascended. She wanted to hug him for never giving up on her, for always being there and for sneaking in late at night and reading her stories from an old volume of tales brought from Earth when the others had first come.

  Christian was the same age as her brother Bradi, but had somehow become something of a father figure to her over the course of her life. She loved him dearly, as if he were truly family.

  She knew he'd lost his brother Samson—who had been Bradi's childhood best friend—to Stegian's evil side. That Stegian's demon had controlled Samson's mind until fully breaking it, turning him against all those who loved him. In the end, Christian delivered the killing blow to his brother. He'd never been the same since.

  Christian himself had suffered a similar fate—though he'd not broken in the face of evil or ended up dead. He had fallen victim to Stegian's demon and its ability to bend the minds of men with ease. While his mind had been under the demon's hold, Christian had hurt Lorelei. He'd never forgiven himself for it even though Lorelei had. He was such an honorable man and leader of her people that it nearly brought her to tears.

  She leaned against him, putting her head to his upper arm. It wasn't until she noticed they'd slowed their pace that she looked up to find him watching her, an inquisitive expression clearly etched upon his face. She cleared her throat and righted herself. She pointed to one of the hallways. "Guest quarters?"

  "Yes," he said, still watching her. "I can show you to…"

  "No. I'm good. Thank you," she said, rushing to the first open door. She waited nearly half an hour before she opened the door to see if he was gone. He was.

  She hurried out of the room. She headed towards the end of the compound that housed the gardens and hopefully away from Christian’s watchful gaze. Her strength was nearly gone and she needed to rest.

  Jacquelyn found a darkened corner and drew upon her powers, disappearing and reappearing mystically within the body that had once been hers. It was the only way she could assure she wouldn’t be discovered and still manage to regain her strength.

  She felt someone there, holding her hand by her bedside. Her mind’s eye showed her that it was a woman, almost as tall as Jacquelyn with blue eyes and dark black hair. Lorelei—her eldest sister.

  “I feel you there now,” Lorelei said softly. “They don’t believe me, Jacquelyn, but I know that at times, you really are there, hearing us.”

  Lorelei was right, but not in the way she thought. It broke Jacquelyn’s heart to not be able to share that she truly was there, but now wasn’t the time. Prior to saving Lorelei, Jacquelyn had appeared in the form of a hologram to her family, forever locked into a young age, regardless of the fact her mind and body had aged. As much as she disliked that, she missed the interaction it gave her with the others.

  “Lorelei?” Sevan, Lorelei’s husband and life mate, asked from somewhere near the door. “The little ones are not pleased with me. I think they want their mommy.”

  Jacquelyn laughed silently as she thought of Sevan trying to deal with their twins. He didn’t know it yet but Lorelei was expecting again. Only just pregnant but pregnant all the same. Jacquelyn’s power allowed her to sense the change in her sister.

  She rested, knowing soon she'd return to Stegian and her quest to save him from himself.

  Chapter Three

  Stegian paced the length of his chambers, feeling like a caged animal. He wanted to be out, searching for the beauty who had come to him just before dawn. He’d spent the day obsessing about her, trying to figure out who and what she was. He knew deep down his best chance to see her again was to remain where he was. She'd said she'd return for him. And she'd found him once, odds were, she'd find him again.

  At least he hoped.

  His demon was sated, having its fill from the whore earlier. The man within him, the one he was never sure even truly existed anymore, felt guilt over having had his cock sucked.

  A deep, dark laugh tore free from him as he stormed towards his chamber door. “An unnamed beauty would be my downfall.”

  He threw the door open to find her there, her back to him as she gazed at the tapestry on the wall. The gown she now wore was a pale pink and dipped low, barely covering her beautiful backside. Her silken skin tempted him, so creamy, so flawless. Stegian arched a brow and closed the doors to his chamber behind him.

  “You surround yourself with such beauty,” she said, keeping her back to him.

  “Who are you? How did you get in here? Where did you come from? What do you really want? Who sent you?” he asked, stepping forward. He'd had the day to think of endless questions for her and all seemed to be spilling forth from his lips at the sight of her. “Am I truly going insane?”

  She glanced over her shoulder and met his gaze without fear. “If I tell you who I am, you will cease to keep an open mind about me and you will not fight your demon when it next rises, wishing to kill me.”

  He stiffened. “You sensed my demon wishing you dead?”

  She nodded, but still did not fully face him. “And I sensed the man in you refuse to allow it to do me harm. That will change when you find out who I am.”

  Stegian ran his palms over his thighs, wiping sweat from them. It had been centuries since he could remember perspiring. What was it about the female before him that had him so out of sorts. “How can you be sure I would turn on you so easily? You are here and I have not harmed you.”


  She bent her head, refusing to look at him further. He could sense disappointment radiating from her every pore. “You took another within minutes of my departure. I can smell her on you. Her essence still courses through your veins.”

  He had spent too many years as a leader to succumb to guilt, though it did trickle through the back of his mi
nd. “I need blood to survive. It is that simple.”

  The female touched the tapestry lightly. “But no part of you requires sex during a feeding, Stegian. Still, you allowed the demon to do as it pleased. That's how I know you will not stop it from harming me once you know who I am and what I truly wish to do.”

  He was a master in the game of chess and it was clear he had a young pawn before him. One that wasn't completely naïve to the game herself. He took another step closer to her, wondering what her next move was. “And what is it you wish to do?”

  “Separate you from the demon you carry within. You once were a powerful sorcerer on Earth. So powerful the creatures of the night were drawn to you. The one who sired you tried to control you, to use your powers for his own, but he failed. You were stronger than he.” She turned and faced him. The gown she wore pushed her breasts upwards, as if offering the sweet mounds to him. “I wish to separate the two halves you carry and free the man from the demon.”

  A sick sounding chortle broke free of him. The absurdity of her words was too much for him. “It cannot be done. Unless,” he arched a brow, “you plan to end my life. In that case, I would most certainly be free of this demon you seem to know so much about.” He used his supernatural speed to appear in front of her. Taking hold of the back of her neck, he forced her head back. “Have you come to try to kill me, beautiful one?”

  She showed no signs of being afraid. What a fool she was. “Stegian, you have it within your power to end my existence, but you should know that if you do, you'll never be free of the demon and it will consume you.”

  “It already has,” he said, inhaling her sweet scent. His cock hardened instantly and the need to bury himself within her silky-smooth depths was great. He rubbed his lower body against hers, assuring she knew just how hard his cock was for her. “Coming here was foolish.”

  “I know. I understand you could force yourself on me easily, but I think you should keep one thing in mind.”

  He snorted, amused by her bravery. “And what is that?”

  Her royal blue gaze locked on him. “That I'm more than willing to give myself to you, Stegian, the man. Not the demon. I will fight him with my last breath, but I will give myself freely to the man.”

  He sensed the truth in her words and was shocked by them. “Are you mad?”

  It was her turn to laugh. “A moment ago you thought for sure it was you who was losing touch with reality. Is it so hard to believe someone could care for you?”

  “Yes,” he said without thought. Embarrassed by the show of weakness on his part, Stegian gripped her neck tighter until she whimpered. The moment he knew he’d caused her pain, he let go and backed away quickly. “Leave me!”

  “No,” she said, reaching out for him.

  He swatted her hand away with enough force to cause her to clutch it close to her body and stare at him with wide eyes.


  The moisture glistening in her eyes tugged at him. The way she held her hand only added to the feeling of despair. He knew he’d harmed her. Sighing, he put a hand out to her. “Allow me to sense the damage.”

  She took a tiny step back. “I’ll go.” A lone tear eased over her cheek as she pivoted quickly, rushing for the door, still holding her hand close.

  Stegian tapped into his speed again, barring the door with his body. He took her hand in his and sucked in a sharp breath when he sensed just how much he’d harmed her in his fit. Several of the bones in her hand were completely shattered. She whimpered when he ran his fingers over them.

  He radiated healing energy, something he’d not done since prior to his arrival on the planet. It was a gift he’d possessed when he was but a man and one the demon he now carried saw as a weakness. A gift used only by the other side. She moved closer to him and he bent his head, inhaling her scent. She even smelled like his mate—the woman from the masquerade ball long ago. She trembled and it was then he sensed her fear. It ate at him.

  “I will not harm you,” he said, surprising himself by his proclamation. “And I will do all within my power to keep the demon I carry from doing you harm as well.”

  She tugged her hand out of his. “But you’ve already hurt me.”

  He closed his eyes. “I am sorry.”

  Those were not words he was accustomed to speaking. She seemed to realize as much. When she gifted him with the touch of her palm to his cheek, he tipped his head, kissing the pad of her thumb. He hated the weakness she seemed to evoke in him.

  What are you doing to me?

  “I’m hoping to save you from yourself. I refuse to give up on you, Stegian, for I know the man you once were—the man you can become again.”

  “You know nothing of me,” he spat, angered he’d let her into his thoughts again without realizing as much.

  She shoved her neck out to him. “Then show me, Stegian. Prove me wrong. Drain me and be done with me for good.”

  The idea sickened him, causing him to recoil.

  “Then come with me and allow me to show you that you truly can be free of the demon within. It’s fed for the day and is sated. The only danger it can present is if you lose your temper and allow it to harm me.” She touched his hand gently. “Please come with me.”

  “To where?”

  “Trust me.”

  That made him laugh. “Beautiful one, I trust no one.”

  “Then you truly do live a lonely life.”

  Against his better judgment, Stegian wrapped his hand around hers, mindful of his strength. “Take your moment, woman, for they are few and far between.”

  White mist surrounded them and for a split second it felt as if he were falling. When it ended and the mist cleared, Stegian found himself standing in a cavern of sorts. It had been modified, reminding him greatly of the homes on earth. Though the clay of the planet could be seen in portions, someone had hung draperies and pictures on the walls. The addition of bookshelves, filled with books, a red settee and a four-poster bed added to the homey feel.

  “Where are we?”

  She smiled and pulled him towards the back of the cavern. With a wave of her hand, a boulder moved on the ceiling, revealing the moon’s soft glow. Billions of stars twinkled down upon them. She snapped her fingers and a beautiful, haunting melody began to play softly.

  Stegian’s stomach clenched. “No. Someone will hear and they will come for you.”

  His concern shocked him.

  She didn’t seem fazed. “They can't touch us here. So long as we are here, we can never be harmed by any of them, Stegian.”

  “Where exactly is here?” He knew the planet well and couldn't recall ever seeing caverns such as these.

  “Where do you wish it to be?”

  He huffed and blew out a long breath. “I dare say you speak in more riddles than myself, woman.”

  She grinned. “I’m working on my evil mastermind techniques. How am I doing?” She nudged him slightly and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  The feeling was foreign to him. It had been so long since he’d laughed from truly being happy that the sound of his own voice caught him off guard. The female before him beamed as she cupped his cheek.

  “You're so incredibly handsome and when you smile, I want to give you anything you want. Why is that?”

  Stegian didn’t have an answer for her nor did he think she truly wanted one. Instead, he took her hand in his and placed his free hand on her hip. “Dance with me, beautiful one.”

  She nodded and moved gracefully with him around the cavern. Stegian couldn’t remember the last time he’d danced.

  The ball, long ago.

  Waltzing with her shaved years off him, making him remember a time when he wasn’t restricted to the darkness—a time when he was as human as he’d ever been, considering he’d been born a sorcerer.

  He spun her in a circle and smiled as a tiny laugh erupted from her. Stegian laughed as well as he missed a step. “It has been a while.”

  Her blue gaze fixed on him. “I
think you’re doing a marvelous job. The person who taught me to dance wasn’t nearly as graceful as you.”

  They continued, dancing and laughing softly as they went. For one hundred and fifty years the only pleasure he’d had came at the expense of someone else’s pain. To laugh freely and have someone near him who didn’t fear him was beyond refreshing. For a brief moment, Stegian actually forgot what he carried within him. The ultimate evil.

  He drew her in close and pressed his mouth to her ear. “Tell me your name.”

  She stiffened. “Stegian, please.” From the sound of her voice, he knew she was on the verge of tears. Normally, that would have pleased him. It didn’t. “I don’t want our time together to end yet. Pick a name. Any name at all and call me it. But please don’t ask me to end something as wonderful as we’ve shared so far.”

  “Solnihshka mayo,” he whispered.

  She drew back and gave him a puzzled look. “What does it mean?”

  Tracing a finger over her cheek, he marveled as to how smooth her skin was. “It means my sunshine.”

  She returned to his embrace, putting her head against his chest and allowing Stegian to lead her in a slower dance. “Mmm, I never want this to end.”

  “All good things come to an end,” Stegian said, the words hitting closer to home than he liked.

  Jacquelyn sighed, pressing her cheek to Stegian’s steely chest. The absence of a heartbeat was unnerving, but she kept her head against him all the same, needing the contact more than she cared to admit. She ran her hand up his back and let it settle on the nape of his neck. His dark hair was bound with a tie at the base of his neck. She started to undo the tie and he jerked.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Freeing your hair. I'd like very much to see it down.”

  Tension filled his body and Jacquelyn knew he teetered on the edge with his demon. The snarl that rippled through him told her Stegian was fast losing the battle within himself. He took hold of the top of her gown and in an instant, his fingernails had lengthened and sliced through the fabric, baring a breast to him.