Civil Twilight: Project Exorcism Read online

Page 4

  She drew in a sharp breath and clasped her torn gown to her chest as she struggled out of his hold.

  “Do not give me that look,” he said, something in his voice was off. “I would like very much to see you naked before me.” The snide tone warned that the demon was in control. He crouched and Jacquelyn knew she should run. It didn’t matter. Stegian was on her in a flash, slamming her into the cavern wall. Her head hit first and then her upper back. Pain radiated throughout her body.

  He seized hold of her throat and dug his nails into her skin. Jacquelyn closed her eyes, refusing to have the image of Stegian in full vampire mode be the last thing she ever saw. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as he pinned her to the wall.

  “Beg for your life,” he said, his voice still off.

  She put her hand over his. “I… forgive you.”

  His grip tightened and her energy waned. She felt her strength ebbing from her body and had no idea what would happen once he finished. She had already ascended beyond her physical body, taking on a new form, that of what she would have looked like without the horrendous attack in the past. Jacquelyn wasn’t positive, but she doubted very much she would be permitted another free pass.

  Suddenly, Stegian stepped away from her. She sank to her knees, gasping for air and rubbing her throat. Her torn gown fell, revealing one of her breasts to him once more. Jacquelyn struggled to breathe and crumbled onto the floor. The next she knew, Stegian was there, wrapping the quilt from the end of the bed around her shoulders and going to his knees next to her.

  “How badly are you hurt?”

  Jacquelyn tried to find her voice to answer but all that came was a series of coughs. Stegian tilted her head gently and hissed as he surveyed the damage he’d done.

  “I will see to it you are well and then I will leave. Do not come for me again.” He stared at her. “I am not safe to be around.”

  Shaking her head, Jacquelyn moved into his arms and pressed herself against him, all but demanding to be held. The minute his large arms wrapped around her, she knew that all was not lost. There was still hope for him. He lifted her with ease, careful to keep her upper body covered with the quilt.

  He walked her to the bed and laid her out with so much care it made Jacquelyn’s heart swell. As Stegian tried to back away, she caught his wrist and pulled him back to her. It was clear by the look upon his face that he didn’t trust himself to lie with her.

  She rubbed her throat and swallowed several times. “Stay with… me… please.”

  Much to her surprise, he climbed onto the bed next to her and drew her into his arms. He placed a tiny kiss upon her head and she felt his magik rising quickly. “Sleep, solnihshka mayo.”

  Chapter Four

  Jacquelyn came awake with a start and eased when she felt Stegian’s arms still wrapped around her. She looked up to find his eyes closed and his body relaxed. Never did she think he’d trust her that much, that soon, to allow himself to rest near her. Jacquelyn knew the suns would be up soon and that Christian would sense something was wrong if she didn’t make it back by the time he woke.

  Calling upon her power, she moved the boulder back into place, assuring no sunlight could harm Stegian. She leaned over him, admiring just how handsome he truly was.

  “I have to go now, Stegian,” she whispered. “You’re safe here. I can assure you have a decanter of blood to drink from, but you won’t be able to leave here until the suns set.”

  Unable to resist the urge, Jacquelyn pressed her lips to his lightly. “My sweet sorcerer, I need you to fight for me, for us. I’ve seen the man you once were and I know he still resides there within you. I also know he could easily have my heart or break it.”

  She sat up slowly, careful not to wake Stegian and moved to the bedside table. She called upon her power and a decanter full of fresh blood appeared, along with a wine glass, a cloth napkin and one long stem red rose. Jacquelyn had no worries that Stegian could let himself out. He was powerful beyond words and would do so with ease. He would also find his way home without issue.

  She conjured a pin to secure the torn portion of her gown and glanced back one last time to see Stegian resting peacefully. She used her power once more to move another boulder to the entrance of the cavern and rushed out and into the night. Jacquelyn could easily use her magik to appear within the compound, but Christian and Lorelei would sense the disruption in the ether near them. Once suspicions were raised, there would be no stopping them. If they found out about her and the mission she intended to succeed in—saving Stegian from his own demon—they would do all in their means to not only stop her but also destroy Stegian.

  Running as quickly as she could, Jacquelyn made her way through the dense jungle, stopping whenever she sensed danger. Stegian’s men patrolled the outer perimeter of the compound regularly, looking for a weakness. A way to kill a Janelle.

  The sound of a twig snapping behind her caught her attention and the feeling of being watched filtered over her. Jacquelyn slowed her pace and tried to reach out with her power and sense who was following her. Whoever it was had power that was strong because they blocked her with ease.

  The game of cat and mouse continued. Jacquelyn neared the edges of the compound and knew first light was less than an hour away. A dark shadow dropped from a tree, landing directly in front of her. A scream welled within her, but a hand clamped over her mouth, rendering her silent.

  “The others are near,” a deep, familiar voice said.


  He yanked her against his body and held her protectively. Christian drew in a sharp breath and his grip tightened. “Stegian is near.” He jerked her and glowered down at her. “Why would he come personally for you?”

  Jacquelyn shook her head, attempting to play the part of the innocent.

  Christian didn’t buy it. “Who are you, really?”

  She didn’t answer right away and for the first time in her life Christian brought his hand back to strike her. “You’re one of them, aren’t you? A spy perhaps. Answer me!”

  He drew his hand back further. “Those I love have suffered and lost much at the hands of that madman. To come here and think to spy for him is…”

  Suddenly, dark shadows moved in all around them. Christian put his body protectively in front of hers, even though he currently thought her to be a spy. He drew upon his power and it pushed against her. Jacquelyn clung to his upper arm, scared for him, of him, and of what was happening.

  Shifters pushed through the darkness, surrounding them. They were not playing on the side of good. The evil they radiated made Jacquelyn waver slightly, needing to hold tighter to Christian to keep from falling.

  As a tall, muscular man stepped forth from between the trees, his grey gaze snapped to her. It was Stegian. Jacquelyn’s stomach knotted as she watched the way in which Stegian smiled. It was sinister. His demon had been what she’d bid her tender goodbye to. It had pretended to be asleep and followed her back to the compound. “My, my, what do we have here?”

  Christian put his arm back, covering Jacquelyn and keeping her pressed tightly to him.

  Stegian looked furious. “You are lovers with their chieftain?”

  She shook her head but knew it was pointless. The demon would weave its own version of the truth and act accordingly. Stepping out from behind Christian, Jacquelyn held her head high. “It's me you wish to punish. Not Christian. Allow him to go free and I shall surrender willingly to you.”

  “Lies. Lies. Lies,” Stegian said, tapping his foot lightly. “I have a better idea.” He lifted his hand and pure evil radiated from him. “Let us see how much you enjoy your lover when he is but a puppet.”

  “No!” Christian shouted, the terror in his voice raw and real. He'd fallen victim to Stegian's mind control in the past and the results had been devastating. “Run. He will use me against… ah,” he went to his knees, holding his head, “run.”

  Jacquelyn dropped, refusing to leave his side. She'd not leave him to fa
ce the wrath of Stegian's demon alone. She wrapped her arms around Christian’s thick neck. She held firm, encompassing him in her power and blocking Stegian’s ability to control his mind.

  Christian's gaze met hers. A wealth of emotion reflected back at her as she soothed his sweaty brow, chasing away the mind control power of the demon and replacing it with calming, healing energy of her own. Christian's breathing was harsh as he pushed out, “How?”

  “You must trust me, Christian," she said, still keeping her power high and around him, fearful the demon wouldn't let up on its mystical attack.

  Stegian let out a sick sounding laugh. “Trust you? Interesting. Is your champion aware of how you come to me in the night? How you tempt me with your body? With the promise of paradise?”

  Christian gasped as he pushed to his feet, taking her with him. He stared down at her, disgust evident. Yet, for as sickened as he was with the idea Stegian's words might be true, he didn't release her.

  Stegian tipped his head back and laughed. “I thought not.”

  “Master,” one of the minions said, skulking forward. “May we play with them before we kill them?”

  Stegian’s gaze flickered to black and then back to grey. For a moment, he appeared confused, as if he were trying and failing to regain control of his demon. There was a whistle and then, without warning, the cavalry arrived, led by Bradi, Sevan and Jordan, Sevan’s brother. Men from the side of good thrust through the enemy behind Christian and Jacquelyn. They cut them down as if they were nothing, fighting like the honed warriors they were. Good now stood on equal footing with evil.

  Jacquelyn's brother rushed forward. He put his hand on Christian’s shoulder. “Is it still you, old friend?”

  Christian nodded weakly.

  Bradi, always a fierce warrior and immune to Stegian’s mind control, stepped forward. “So, this is how you want to play this out? Think long and hard before you say yes because I’m not the one who has to worry about my purdy lil’ skin in the suns’ light.”

  Stegian didn’t seem fazed by the introduction of Bradi and the others. His face remained blank as he spoke, “Give me the female and I shall call my men back.”

  “No can do,” Bradi said evenly.

  “She is a traitor to your people. Hand her over to me and I shall see to it she is properly dealt with.”

  Bradi glanced at her and Jacquelyn had to force herself to meet her brother’s gaze. “A traitor?” he questioned.

  “It’s not what you think, Bradi,” she said, hoping he’d listen with his heart, not his head. Problem was, he had no reason to believe her. No reason to gift her the chance to explain. He didn't know who she was to him. None of them did.

  Her brother pointed at Stegian. “That monster nearly killed my wife and child. He nearly killed my sister and her children as well. He has tortured Christian, my best friend, again and again—turning his brother against him before forcing Christian to turn against those he loves.” Bradi pounded his fist on his chest. “He succeeded in turning my own father against his loved ones.” Tears glistened in his eyes. “My baby sister is a slab of meat, hooked to tubes, wires and machines to keep her alive, but she’s not there. She’s dead, only her body lives on! And you want to try to explain how a misconception could occur in regards to you being a traitor?”

  Sevan stepped forward. “Bradi, let’s just take her with us. You can toss her ass in a cell and deal with her later. I, for one, wouldn’t give my worst enemy to that monster.”

  Jordan nodded in agreement. "I wouldn't either. Let's take her and sort it out later. These guys smell funny." He rubbed his nose. As a mix of weretiger and werelion, because of an attack on him by Stegian's genetically altered men, Jordan's senses were even more acute than the rest of the shifter males present.

  Bradi ran his hands through his black hair, clearly agitated. “We have children and wives to protect now, men. She does not pass through our gates again. He can do what he wishes to her.”

  Christian caught her wrist and held it firmly, staring at her intensely. “You did not appear surprised by the news Bradi told you. You already knew what Stegian is capable of, didn’t you?”

  A weak nod was all she could muster as she gave in to the hot tears forming.

  “You know, yet you worry for him,” Christian said. “I sense your concern for Stegian. I also sense the goodness in you. Tell me how this is that a young woman such as yourself can feel nothing for the devastation he has caused.”

  “Enough with the sentimentality,” Stegian said harshly. “Hand her over and we will live to fight another day.”

  Two large, fully shifted black panthers flanked Stegian’s sides. He reached down and patted the tops of their heads, and it was all Jacquelyn could do to keep from screaming as fear seeped through her every pore. She’d suffered greatly at the hands of the two next to him. Her father had also been in the mix, his mind controlled by Stegian’s demon as he mauled her. She wasn’t completely sure what the next stage was, if she would simply cease to exist or move onto yet another level, but she knew she could not allow blood to be shed over her.

  Jacquelyn stepped forth. Her gaze remained on the panthers, terror gripping her heart. The wind rustled through the trees, carrying with it a power Jacquelyn had not felt in three years. It was familiar, warm, loving yet fiercely protective. She had assumed it was Christian’s power, but now that she had grown into her own powers, she knew it wasn’t.

  Jacquelyn, a deep voice came upon the breeze. Tell them who you are. Your brother will protect you.

  She looked around and shook with fear and confusion. “Daddy?”

  Without thought, Jacquelyn took another step forward. The panthers growled and the sound took her instantly back to the day of her attack so long ago. Her power surged, changing the scenery around her, making it look identical to the spot she’d been horrifically attacked so long ago. Everything else faded away.

  She spun around in a small circle but found none of the others.

  "Jacquelyn, come quick." She turned more, listening as her sister Nina's voice filtered through the tree line. "Hurry, Father needs you."

  "Daddy needs me?" she questioned, sounding so young, so innocent.


  She twisted at the sound of her father’s voice and looked down the length of herself to see she was as she had been at that time—just a little girl. “Daddy?”

  “Jacquelyn, come quick, I need your help, half-pint.”

  A broad smile spread over her face as she ran in the direction the voice came from. As she broke through and into a clearing, she spotted her father there, larger than life. There was no sign of Nina. Strange.

  Her father was tall, handsome and looked to have been carved from marble. His jet-black hair rivaled her own, and as he turned to face her, a sick feeling came over her. Something in his gaze was off. The way he leered at her.


  He bent and put his arms out wide. Evil emanated from him and her still developing senses picked up on it instantly. She backed up and shook her head, understanding fully she'd just walked into a trap. “Y-you’re not my daddy. You’re not him.”

  “Such a smart little girl.” His shoulders arched in a strange way and in the blink of an eye, he was in full shifted mode. His form, that of a black panther, was huge and terrifying to Jacquelyn. It always had been. Two other panthers emerged from the dense foliage. They advanced on her, and the moment the first one’s jaws clamped down on her throat, she was ripped back into the present.

  She looked up to find all eyes on her, each set as wide as the next. Her brother looked as if he’d seen a ghost and clenched his fist. “Dear gods in the heavens, it can’t be.”

  “Jacquelyn?” Christian asked, taking a step towards her, his face ashen.

  The terror over reliving the attack was still too fresh to think clearly. Screaming, she ran and one of the two black panthers lunged at her. She went ramrod stiff, awaiting her end. There was a flash and su
ddenly, Stegian was there, snarling at the panther, almost daring it to come at her again. He leaned over her and she cried harder.

  The panther roared and Stegian lifted a hand. Magik shot forth from it, slamming into the beast that was technically his pet.

  Jacquelyn scrambled away, her power taking hold once more. She dematerialized, only to resurface in the cavern she’d spent the majority of the night in being held by the man she had foolishly believed she could save from himself.

  Chapter Five

  Sinking to her knees, she held tight to a post of the bed and sobbed hysterically. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed before she realized someone was stroking her hair gently and cradling her body to his.

  Jacquelyn glanced up, unsure who to expect. When a grey gaze met her, she drew in a deep breath. “Stegian?”

  She tried to scuttle away from him, but he held her to him, continuing to provide much needed comfort. “A-are you going to hurt me now? Kill me for being a Janelle?”

  He wiped the tears from her cheeks and tilted her chin, forcing her gaze to meet his. “Solnihshka mayo, I have hurt you enough in the past. I have come only to assure you are well, until you are able to reunite with your family once more.”

  Fear gripped her and she in turn held tight to Stegian’s shoulders. “No! The men who want to overthrow you will know a piece of you isn’t controlled by the demon. Go. You can’t be here with me. They’ll kill you.”

  Something akin to pain moved through his eyes. “I deserve to die, beautiful one. I should have stopped it. I should have ended my life long ago to prevent the demon from hurting others. I knew, the very minute my feet touched the surface of this planet, I was lost. I've had tiny moments of lucidity. I should have ended my life during one of those. No harm would have come to you then.”

  Pressing her fingers to his lips, she silenced him. “Don’t, Stegian. You had no way of knowing how much power this planet would give to your demon.”


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