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Civil Twilight: Project Exorcism Page 6

  "Sweet little Jacquelyn, what has become of you?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you there or is what I saw earlier true?"

  The events he’d witnessed haunted his mind. How could it be? How could she be alive again, in full form, separate from the body before him?

  A warm hand touched his shoulder, drawing him from his thoughts. He leaned back in his chair to find Lorelei there. She offered a soft smile and patted him. “Sevan told me about what happened.”

  “Are we mad?”


  He sighed. “Is it one of Stegian’s tricks?”

  Lorelei went to the other side of the bed and touched Jacquelyn’s body. “I do not sense her there anymore. Wherever she is, Christian, it isn’t here.”

  The compound’s alarms went off, announcing a breach to section eleven. Christian glanced at Lorelei and gave her a warning look. “Do not attempt to interfere. We will handle this.”

  “Of course,” she said, a little too quickly for his liking, as she headed in the same direction. They ran, shoulder to shoulder, until they reached the area of the compound in question. As they rounded the corner, they found Jordan standing there, holding a gun on his brother.

  “Back up, Sevan.”

  “Let me at him,” Sevan said, snarling. “He almost cost me my wife and my sons.”

  “I know and I’m telling you to back up. I’m the one who found him and I’m telling you, something is off," Jordan said, nearly shouting. "I'm not a fan of his either. But, something isn't right."

  Jordan took a step back and Christian saw the person Sevan very much wanted to kill. An unfamiliar pair of blue eyes stared out from where grey ones had been. The man, who had always seemed so put together was on one knee, a jagged gash covered his throat and looked to have only just begun to heal and his hair was down. Something Christian never remembered seeing. It was almost too much to believe the mighty Stegian was there, in his compound, at the mercy of his people.

  Bradi apparently figured out who it was as well because he launched at the man who had terrorized their people for over a century. Christian caught his friend around the waist and held him in place.

  “Let go of me!”

  “Jordan is right. Something is out of place.” Christian let his magik scan the area. “Am I the only one who notices the absence of—”

  “Evil,” Lorelei said, finishing his sentence. She shot past Sevan and came just shy of touching Stegian.

  Christian went to pull her away, but she tossed her power up, blocking anyone from getting to her. “Lorelei, no!”

  Stegian did the oddest thing. He didn’t strike out as Christian would have thought he would. No. He took Lorelei’s hand in his and bent his head. His shoulders slumped and as he shook, Christian realized the man was weeping.

  “Jacquelyn,” he whispered, his voice barely there. The wound on his throat had been intended to be mortal. Christian wasn’t sure how he was still alive.

  “What the fuck have you done to my baby sister?” Bradi crashed past Christian and slammed into Lorelei’s power. He went no further. He pounded on the wall of power. “Dammit, let me in! I’m going to gut that son-of-a—”

  Lorelei put her hand up, silencing her twin almost instantly. She focused her attention on Stegian. “What has happened to Jacquelyn?”

  “He,” Stegian rubbed his throat, “took her from me.”

  “Who took her?” Christian asked.

  “Me.” The man he’d always thought to be a monster shook his head, appearing confused. “Not me, but the demon I carried.”

  Lorelei drew in a sharp breath and dropped to her knees before Stegian. She lifted his head and everyone gasped, fearing he’d attack her. “It’s gone, isn’t it? The demon—the vampire part of you is gone. Jacquelyn did it. She freed you from the monster.”

  He nodded. “Mate. My… mate.”

  Bradi launched into a slew of curses amounting to how unhappy he was that the Fates had paired his baby sister with the likes of Stegian. Christian was never more thankful to see Marissa and Nina rounding the corner. Marissa took one look at Stegian and then her husband. She ran to Bradi’s side and helped to cage the beast stirring.

  Nina glanced at Jordan, her mate, still holding a gun on his brother and shook her head. “Dare I ask?”

  Lorelei stroked Stegian’s cheek tenderly. “She found a way to free you and somehow the vampire side of you survived?”

  Stegian tried to speak but couldn’t. Christian repeated several of Bradi’s curses as he tapped on Lorelei’s power. “Let me in so I can heal him enough to tell us where Jacquelyn is.”

  “Like bloody hell!” Nina shouted before taking a giant step back. “Wait. Jacquelyn?”

  Marissa offered an apologetic smile. “I kept trying to tell her but didn’t know how.”

  Lorelei did as asked and dropped the power, only permitting Christian to walk through. As he bent to heal the man he swore to kill, he waged an inner battle. Every ounce of him wanted to snap Stegian’s neck, but the thought of never seeing Jacquelyn again was too much. She was beyond special to him. He reached out to begin the healing process, but Stegian shook his head.

  “No… I… deserve to die.” He swallowed hard. “Save Jacquelyn… and the baby.”


  Bradi’s rant returned, this time louder than before.

  Lorelei grabbed Christian’s hand and put it on Stegian’s neck. “Heal him. I will not allow my baby sister’s mate—her husband and father of the child she now carries—to die because we were unable to separate the man from the demon.”

  Christian shook his head and before he could utter the word no, the morning suns rose, casting their light through the open bay doors. He waited as the sunlight crept up Stegian’s legs, fully expecting the man to burst into flames as all creatures of the night did when exposed to it. He didn’t. Instead, he turned and faced the light, squinting at first as he lifted a hand to shield his eyes. It was all the proof Christian needed to know the demon truly had been exorcised from the man.

  Chapter Eight

  “Enjoying your stay?”

  Jacquelyn stared up at the man who looked so much like the man she was born to love, the one who had managed to steal her heart, that she wanted to lash out each time he dared to show his face. She glared at him, daring him to come closer to her.

  He laughed, the sound so full of evil that she shuddered. “The look only serves to make my cock harder.”

  She struggled against the bonds holding her wrists and ankles. The demon, while no longer possessing Stegian’s magik, still had gifts of its own and clearly, securing her was one of them.

  The vampire glanced towards the entrance to the darkened chamber and a sick smile covered his face. “Ah, at last.”

  The door opened, revealing the two panthers who haunted her dreams. Jacquelyn screamed and the vampire tossed his head back and laughed.

  “Is that any way to great my guests, my dear?”

  She kicked and yanked against her restraints to no avail.

  The vampire laughed. “Know that I will let each of them fuck you before I take you in every way possible. Then,” he licked his lips, “we shall take you some more. When, and or if, we tire of you, I think we can come up with something to kill the time… or kill you. It matters not.”

  Jacquelyn stilled, composing herself as best she could. “It doesn’t matter. I won. In the end, I won. You didn’t get to keep him or his power. He’s free of you and you will never be as strong as you once were! Never!”

  In an instant, the vampire was on her, clutching her neck and hissing. Ignoring the pain, she remained defiant, glaring and refusing to scream again. A thin sheet was all that stood between her and the monster above her.

  Jacquelyn drew upon what powers she could muster and sent a jolt into the demon. He hissed again, this time rearing his head. A loud crash sounded from somewhere on her left and she could vaguely make out a voice as she fought for air. The weight
of the vampire was suddenly gone.

  “Solnihshka mayo.”

  Never had Stegian’s voice sounded sweeter. Jacquelyn tried to focus on him, but was too exhausted to do anything more than close her eyes. Strong arms wrapped around her and she felt someone covering her tighter with the sheet.

  “How badly is she hurt?” Stegian asked.

  Whoever was holding her, lifted her higher, carrying her away from the bed. “Bad.”

  As the sound of Christian’s voice ran over her, Jacquelyn drifted into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Nine

  Stegian shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with the amount of tension in the room. It had been that way since he’d first arrived, begging them to find Jacquelyn and save her. Never did he dream they would aid in his healing and accompany him to rescue his mate.

  He sighed.

  My mate.

  His gaze slid over Jacquelyn. It had been days since they’d found her and brought her home. Christian and Lorelei worked overtime, trying to heal her, but nothing they did seemed to help. The worst part of it was that Bradi had insisted they shut life support off to the body they’d foolishly believed held Jacquelyn’s spirit. So, in the midst of their sister’s battle to live, they laid another part of her to rest.

  Bradi and Sevan made sure armed guards remained posted just outside of the chamber they’d given to Stegian and Jacquelyn. He couldn’t blame them. Had roles been reversed he would have killed them and avoided the risk to his loved ones.

  Loved ones.

  The idea of having the ability to love at all still shocked him to the core. His blue- eyed ray of sunshine had come into his life like a whirlwind, turning it upside down and freeing him from a demon he never dreamt he could live without. The act had almost cost her life and, for that alone, Stegian would never forgive himself. He’d done so many things over the course of the last one hundred and fifty years, none of which he was proud of. At least none until Jacquelyn. Claiming her as his wife, his mate, was something he would never allow himself to regret.

  His demon was still out there, still looking like him, still inflicting pain on someone. He was sure. While they’d saved Jacquelyn, in the chaos, his demon had escaped. Stegian knew he and his demon would meet face to face again someday. He knew he’d find a way to kill the demon once and for all.

  Jacquelyn gasped and Stegian bolted upright in the chair, moving closer to her bedside and taking her hand in his. “Jacquelyn?”

  She blinked and stared up at him. Her brow furrowed as she lifted a shaky hand and caressed just under his right eye. A slow smile spread over her face. “You’re alive.”

  He couldn’t help but smile as well. “Trust you to worry more about me than yourself. Woman, have you no sense? I am a killer a…”

  Shaking her head, she put her free hand over their joined ones. “No, Stegian. You were never a killer. The demon was. Not you.”

  “Did he…” He swallowed hard. “Did he hurt you, Jacquelyn?”

  As she averted her gaze, he fought back a swell of power that wanted to come. It wanted to lash out, destroying everything around him because he’d dared to allow harm to come to her and to their unborn child.

  A knock sounded on the door and Stegian desperately hoped whoever it was would just leave. He needed time alone with Jacquelyn. Time to explain why he couldn’t stay with her at the compound.

  “How is the patient doing?” Marissa, Bradi’s wife and a doctor, asked, peeking her head into the room. A guard followed close behind her and she rolled her eyes, shoving him back out the door. “I’m fine.”

  “But, the captain ordered me to…”

  Marissa put a hand on her hip and glared at the guard. “You can tell the captain that I said he could shove his orders up his ass.”

  The guard’s eyes widened. He backed up, allowing Marissa to close the door. She turned and offered a soft smile to Stegian.

  “Your husband is right to be concerned with you being alone with me, Doctor. Do not go against his wishes on my account.”

  Marissa ignored him and moved to Jacquelyn’s bedside. She beamed as she saw Jacquelyn was awake. “Hey, you, how are you feeling? You gave us all quite a scare.” She motioned towards Stegian. “Big guy included.”

  Stegian wasn’t sure how to take Marissa’s attempts at friendship. Even when he’d been one with the demon, Marissa had seen glimpses of good in him. It had unnerved him and left the demon confused.

  Jacquelyn squeezed his hand gently. “The big guy gave me quite a scare too. Last time I saw him, his throat had been slit wide open and I…” She choked up. “I thought he was dead.”

  Stegian had little memory of the events after the demon rose up and attacked him full force. What he did recall was sporadic and filled with desperation to get help for Jacquelyn. She had been his only concern.

  She still was.

  “I am well, solnihshka mayo.”

  Marissa grinned at the sight of their joined hands. “He’s being modest, Jacquelyn. He almost didn’t make it. Christian and Lorelei refused to give up on him. I think Lorelei’s reasons were genuine. She wanted to know your mate was well. Christian,” Marissa grimaced, “I think just wanted to find you. I’m not a hundred percent sure he’d have helped Stegian if he didn’t need information from him.”

  Jacquelyn let out a long breath. “Christian would have helped. In the end, he would have regardless. I know him well and I know he’d have seen that Stegian and the demon are two different people. He knows firsthand what it’s like to be controlled by the demon. I’m sure none of us can fathom what it was like to have it be a part of you every moment of your life.”

  Marissa went to work assessing Jacquelyn and making small talk. The women talked of how Marissa first met Bradi and how the two butted heads something fierce from day one, until they realized they were in love.

  Jacquelyn seemed to hang on the woman’s every word. Stegian helped her to sit up and was about to give the women some privacy when Jacquelyn’s gaze met his. “Do you want to know about the first time I met Stegian?”

  Marissa lifted a brow. “I’m not sure. Um, this isn’t a gloom and doom story is it?” She winked and Stegian couldn’t help but laugh.

  Jacquelyn shook her head. “No. We met before the demon took control of him. After I ascended, I somehow ended up being placed directly in front of him—in his past. It was a magikal evening.” She looked away. “Right up until I was pulled back through the fabrics of time and space and Stegian was attacked.” She clutched his hand. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t have stopped it. I would have given everything to spare you from that, Stegian. I would have…”

  “And I would give anything to right the wrongs I have committed, solnihshka mayo. Neither of us can and if we did, events would not be as they are today. There is a better than average chance none of your siblings who have mated would have found their mates or that any of you Janelles would exist. Had I not been sired, I would not have been aboard one of the Project Exorcism’s vessels, and I have little doubt we would have never landed here, on this planet.”

  Marissa pulled a chair up on the other side of the bed. “Can I ask you a question?”

  He nodded.

  “How does it feel to have a heartbeat and to see the suns after spending over a century without either?”

  Stegian stared at Jacquelyn. “I honestly do not know. I have not thought about it. She has been my only concern. I can tell you that my chest is tight all the time, with what I remember as being worry.” He kept his gaze on Jacquelyn as he spoke to Marissa. “I can tell you that I am afraid to close my eyes for fear I will wake to find it all a dream. That I am still a prisoner in my own body and that the woman before me now is not my wife… that the tiny glimpse of hope, of love, that she has given me was not real and that the hate and rage I was filled with will be all I ever know, but I cannot tell you what it feels like to have a heartbeat again or what it’s like to see the suns. I can tell you with all honesty that I would tr
ade every second of sunlight and a heartbeat to know Jacquelyn is safe.”

  Marissa sniffled and Stegian realized the woman was crying. He glanced at Jacquelyn, unsure what had prompted the outburst and found Jacquelyn on the verge of doing the very same thing.

  Stegian stiffened and attempted to release Jacquelyn’s hand. She wasn’t having anything to do with that. “Don’t you dare try to walk away.”

  Marissa laughed through her tears and wiped her cheeks. “I doubt Bradi or Christian would let him out the door. They both look like they can’t decide if what they overheard is a good thing or not.”

  Stegian glanced over his shoulder to find Christian and Bradi standing just inside the doorway, their arms crossed over their chests and mixed expressions on their faces. A tiny tugging in the back of his mind alerted him to danger. It wasn’t danger in the normal sense, but in one he couldn’t put his finger on. He opened his mind more, ignoring the dual glares from the men at the door.

  Tipping his head, Stegian let his power trickle out and over the compound. “Eli?”

  Bradi’s expression hardened and he was on Stegian in an instant, slamming him out of his chair and onto the floor. “You will not speak my son’s name, you fucking…”

  Marissa was suddenly there, yanking her husband back from Stegian. She stared down at him. “What about Eli?”

  Stegian pushed to his feet, unaffected by Bradi’s outburst. “I know not, but I do know something is wrong.” He closed his eyes and focused on the source of danger. The moment he felt as if his airway was being cut off, he knew what the problem was. “He’s swallowed something he shouldn’t have and is choking. No one knows. He’s not making any noise. He’s… he cannot breathe. He…he’ll be fine if you get to him. Quickly.”