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Taming the Alpha Page 9

  “Hi! Are you Mr. Drayton?” She said in a hopeful tone. “I have your furniture.”

  “I am Youssef,” the dark male replied with an amused smile.

  “I am Simon Drayton,” the blond male said in a deep, gruff voice.

  Tory’s eyes swiveled back from the dark brown eyes glittering with amusement to the dark blue ones that were not – glittering with amusement, that is. The smile on her lips curved downward. She hoped she hadn’t just blown Alexandru’s business with this guy. From what her brother had told her last night, it was a hugely profitable one.

  “Uh… Yes… Well… I’ve got your furniture,” Tory said with a bright smile. “I guess since you’re not the butler, you wouldn’t want to help bring it in, huh?”

  Simon’s lips twitched at the hopeful look in the young woman’s dark brown eyes. He literally wanted to bury his hands in her hair, drag her against him, and see if she tasted as good as she looked. His fingers clenched as he fought the urge.

  He had three days! Three days to make her so mindless that all she wanted was to feel him buried inside her. The twitch turned into an easy smile. If she was anything like the other women, she would be eating out of his hand in less than twenty minutes.

  He grabbed her hand as she lifted it to push a strand of hair back behind her ear and pulled it to his lips. Pressing a kiss to the back of it, he couldn’t resist letting the tip of his tongue caress the soft skin. Pleasure washed through him as he pulled back to give her a look of invitation.

  Doubt flashed through him when he saw her nose wiggle and she tugged her hand out of his. She gave him an uncertain, lopsided smile as she rubbed the back of her hand along the leg of her jeans. He straightened when he heard Youssef clear his throat behind him.

  “Youssef will see to the furniture,” Simon said in a dark voice filled with warning for his friend. “Follow me.”

  “Follow… I… Shouldn’t I help him? I mean, isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?” Tory asked in confusion when Simon Drayton turned and started to walk away. “Isn’t that what a delivery person does here? That’s what they do back home.”

  Youssef gave Tory a reassuring smile. “I will arrange for the furniture to be brought in, Miss Carson,” he said with a bow.

  Tory glanced at where Simon was standing stiffly, watching her with a frown. She bit her lip. If she had a choice between going with a sour-faced Werewolf, or staying with a… she sniffed. She almost groaned when her mouth watered.

  “What blood type are you?” She asked suddenly, looking at Youssef with wide eyes.

  Youssef looked at her with surprise. “I think that is the first time I’ve ever had a young lady ask me that question,” he chuckled.

  “Oh, I guess I shouldn’t have asked,” Tory muttered, looking down at the porch and rubbing her foot over a wood knot in the planking. “Sorry. That was kind-of rude.”

  “No, just… unusual,” Youssef replied with a smile. “I am A positive.”

  Tory looked up at him and grinned. “Are you single?” She asked with a hopeful grin.

  “Youssef! Take care of the furniture,” Simon growled darkly. “Now, Miss Carson, please follow me.”

  Tory wrinkled up her nose at Simon’s tone. “Yes, sir,” she grumbled. “I hope I see you later, Youssef.”

  “I…,” Youssef started to say when a louder rumble echoed in the entryway. “Have a good day, Miss Carson.”

  Tory sighed as she watched Youssef step aside so she could enter. He bowed his head again and stepped past her, shutting the front door behind him. This effectively sealed her inside with Simon Drayton.

  “Miss Carson,” Simon said stiffly, waving his hand toward the open corridor.

  “I’ve got your bill of sale,” she mumbled as she walked by him. “Alexandru left this morning to pick up another piece of furniture that you were wanting. He asked me to deliver what he had found so far.”

  “And Alexandru is your…,” Simon asked as he stepped in front of her to open the door to the den.

  “Brother,” Tory said absently as she looked around the room. “My middle brother. Benjamin is the oldest.”

  It must be one of the rooms where he wanted some of the furniture. There was only a long couch, chair and single table in the room. The room wasn’t overly large, but the tall ceiling and curved windows looking out over a magnificent garden out back made it seem huge.

  There was a large fireplace against one wall and it looked like everything had been restored to its original style. Dark red and gold paintings that looked like wallpaper, a popular trend during the early 1800’s, outlined the intricately painted ceiling. In the center of the room, a chandelier made of cut crystal hung from the ceiling.

  “This is nice,” she observed, walking over to a set of bookshelves embedded into the wall. “Nice collection.”

  “Do you enjoy the classics?” Simon asked, silently moving to stand next to her.

  Tory fingered one of the leather-bound spines. She wondered what he would say if she told him the truth. Shrugging, she decided she didn’t have much choice. Werewolves could smell a lie a mile away with the wind blowing in the opposite direction.

  “Actually, not most of them. Some of them are either just too far out there or so depressing, I’m like ‘Kill me already’,” she admitted. “Some of them are pretty good. Still, give me a good mystery, thriller, romance, or fantasy any day.”

  She was surprised when he laughed. Turning, she stumbled back with a frown when she realized he was standing closer to her than she thought. This is why she always picked Maverick and his brothers to be on her team when they played Creature-hunt. Kevin might be one of her best friends, but Garden Trolls were really noisy when they ran. Still, she didn’t like that he kept crowding her.

  “What’s so funny?” She asked, tilting her head when he took another step closer.

  “Most women would have lied and made some inane remark to try to impress me,” Simon said with a devilish smile, taking another step closer as she stumbled backwards.

  “Why would I want to impress you?” Tory asked, coming to a stop when her knees hit the edge of the couch. “In case you don’t realize it, you’re crowding me,” she added with a frown as she placed her hand against his chest to push him back.

  Chapter Five

  Simon’s eyes darkened and a low rumble escaped him as her fingers splayed across his chest. He reached up and wrapped his fingers around her fragile wrist. A smile twisted his lips when she inhaled sharply as he tugged her closer.

  He started to lower his head to kiss her when her mumbled words reached him. He shook his head and frowned when she repeated what she had said again. It sounded suspiciously like…

  “You’ve never been kissed?” He repeated blankly. “Never? Ever?”

  “Nope, but I’m hoping I can convince Youssef to change that,” she said with a grin. “What do you think? Do you think he might be interested? He’s not your… you know… your…?”

  “Bodyguard?” Simon asked, still trying to get it through his head that the curvy, sexy female in his arms had never been kissed. A low curse escaped him, before he frowned darkly. “What the hell do you mean you hope you can convince Youssef?”

  “He’s h… hunky,” Tory replied lamely. She had almost said human. “And he has the right blood type.”

  “What does blood type have to do with kissing?” Simon asked, confused as he tightened his grip on Tory when she tried to move away from him. “What did you think he was?”

  “Your boyfriend?” She squeaked when he pulled her so close her chest was touching his. “You’re holding me kind of close.”

  Simon scowled down into the bright brown eyes. “I plan on holding you even closer,” he muttered in determination as he lowered his head to capture her upturned lips.

  The beast inside him pushed at him as he teased her lips apart. A soft growl of approval escaped him when she opened for him. He released her wrist so he could slide his hands around her waist as s
he slid her palms up his chest to his shoulders.

  She did taste as good as she looked. His cock thickened as he thought about where else he planned to taste her. The knowledge that he would be her only master, her only alpha, flared inside him, searing him with pain.

  It took a minute to realize that the pain he was feeling was not coming just from his loins, but from his head as well. In fact, it was increasing as she continued to pull doggedly on his hair. He winced as he reluctantly released her.

  They studied each other for a moment; him with a possessive intensity; her with a look of… expectation. After several long seconds, she released his hair and patted his chest as if he was the family dog who had done a good deed. The grin on her face was a combination of relief and expectation.

  “Thank you, Nonny!” She breathed as a knock sounded on the door.

  “Enter,” Simon barked in frustration.

  “Would you like for the pieces you requested for the room brought in?” Youssef asked in a light tone, his eyes taking in Simon’s strained expression and the woman’s satisfied one. “Or it can wait.”

  “Are all the pieces out of the van?” Tory asked, peeking around Simon.

  “Yes, Miss Carson,” Youssef replied with an amused grin when she looked at him in curiosity. “The packing material has been stored in the back.”

  “Great,” Tory breathed, sliding to the side and away from Simon. She reached into her back pocket and removed the packet of papers Alexandru had given her with a description of Simon’s purchases. “There you go. Youssef, how would you like to explore Charleston tonight?”

  Simon’s eyes swiveled with deadly accuracy at his friend. He noted with satisfaction when Youssef paled and swallowed hard. The message in his eyes was clear, touch her and he would kill him.

  “I’m afraid I have… other plans for the evening,” Youssef replied in a strained voice. “Perhaps, Mr. Drayton could escort you.”

  Both men watched in disbelief as Tory shook her head. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m looking for someone a little more… manly.”

  Simon’s mouth dropped open as Tory gave them both a grin before she murmured a hurried goodbye. He blinked several times before he turned to look at Youssef’s stunned face. No, he had not misunderstood her.

  “Did she just imply that I am not man enough for her?” Simon asked in disbelief.

  “I refuse to answer that question, my friend,” Youssef said, raising his hands in surrender. “I’m close enough to being your next meal as it is.”

  Simon sank down on the couch and ran his hands over his face. He had never, even when he was just a young man, ever had his masculinity questioned before. First, she wanted Youssef. Then, she thought he and Youssef were… his mind shied away from that. Finally, she wanted someone a little more manly? Manly! Hell, what was he?

  “I do not like the look in your eyes, Simon,” Youssef muttered. “The few times you have had that look in my lifetime, it has been trouble.”

  Simon looked up at his friend. “I think it is time to show Miss Carson just what I really am,” Simon said. “When she wakes in my arms after I save her from a creature she has only imagined, let’s see if she does not think I am ‘man’ enough.”

  “Simon…” Youssef’s voice faded.

  It was no use. Miss Carson had unknowingly woken the beast. A beast who had not had the thrill of the hunt for far too long.

  “She is mine, Youssef,” Simon replied, pulling off his jacket. “Tonight, I hunt.”


  “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Tory muttered as she pulled away from the main gate of Simon Drayton’s estate and onto the main road. “You almost blew it. You have got to remember to think human when around the humans. Nonny and mom didn’t tell me it would be so hard. ‘I’m looking for someone a little more manly!’ That has to be the stupidest thing anyone ever said to Simon Drayton! The guy wrote the book on manliness! I wonder what Youssef would have thought if I had said human! That would have really put Drayton in a spot if he had to tell his head of security that HE was in more danger than Simon would ever be. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Tory-girl. Think before you insert your foot in your mouth next time.”

  Still, one good thing… okay, maybe two, came out of Simon kissing her. She wasn’t cursed anymore. She had waited to see if he broke out in Blisterwarts like Edgar had, but Simon had remained completely, blissfully Blisterwart free!

  Nonny had worked on a reversing spelling for hours before she left. Her grandmother had only figured out which spell her dad used after her mom stole his Spellbook for Nonny.

  “If it wasn’t for the fact I love daddy so much, I’d put a hex on him,” Tory grumbled.

  Her dad had hidden the Blisterwart spell in her hairbrush. Every time she used the thing, it re-enforced the spell. No wonder she couldn’t get rid of it!

  “Well, I’ve got enough business now I can move into the apartment above the Krazy Kettles back home,” she growled, turning onto Meeting Street. “As soon as I get back, I’m moving into my own place.”

  The second thing that had been good about the kiss was… everything. Damn the Werewolf if he couldn’t kiss. Now it made her wonder if maybe she shouldn’t have taken a chance on Maverick. If all Werewolves kissed like that, she would have asked her mom and Nonny for help a long time ago.

  Tory pressed the button on the rearview mirror and watched as the door to the warehouse opened. It was a short walk back to Alexandru’s apartment. She carefully pulled inside and pressed the button again to close the garage door behind her. Turning off the van, she opened the door and stepped out just as her cell phone rang.

  Glancing at the number, she grinned. “Hi Alexandru,” she said, closing the door and locking the van.

  “Did you deliver the items to Drayton?”Alexandru asked.

  “Of course,” Tory said, pulling open the outer door and stepping out onto the sidewalk. “It isn’t brain surgery. I delivered all the items, told him you were picking up some of the other things he wanted, and gave him the packet of documents like you asked.”

  “Listen, about the items,” Alexandru said heavily. “I received another call about another important piece. The problem is, I have to fly overseas to get it. I’m not going to be back as soon as I thought I would.”

  “Oh, that is too bad,” Tory said, doing a jig and fisting pumping in the middle of the sidewalk. She grinned when several pedestrians laughed at her. “How much longer do you think it will take?”

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Tory,” Alexandru said heavily on the other end. “It looks like I won’t be back until the end of next week.”

  “The end… a whole week and a half?” Tory whispered, grinning as she looked around.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, Tory. I know you wanted to explore Charleston and everything. I really wanted to show it to you, too. You didn’t come all this way to just hang out in the apartment,” Alexandru said.

  “No, don’t feel bad, Alexandru. I mean, I’m a big girl. I can do the tours, go to the aquarium, things like that. I’m not a child,” Tory replied hastily, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. “I’ll really miss you. I was hoping we could spend some time together, but I can manage until you get back.”

  “Are you sure?” Alexandru asked in a voice filled with doubt.

  Tory rolled her eyes and tilted her head back to look up at the white clouds drifting across the sky. Alexandru was as bad as their dad! Was she sure? Hell, she was going to have to call her Godmothers and thank them for whatever strings they decided to weave for this one.

  “I’m sure,” she replied firmly. “You take care of your business. Mr. Drayton really wants all of the furniture and is depending on you.”

  “If you are sure,” Alexandru said in a gruff voice. “I’ll call you later in the week. Be careful with what you eat. Dad will kill me if something happens to you.”

  “Alexandru, I’m twenty-four. I think I can control my urges to bite some unsuspecting soul and drain them dry. B
esides, I know what I can and can’t eat. Don’t worry about me,” Tory retorted dryly as the imagine of huge, golden haired Werewolf rose in her mind. “I’m a big girl now.”

  “I know,” Alexandru said gruffly. “I saw your bra hanging in the laundry room. That’s why I’m worried.”

  “Sheesh! TMI, big brother. I’m off to explore. Go look for your treasures,” Tory muttered. “Love you.”

  “Love you too, Tory,” Alexandru said. “Be safe.”

  Tory didn’t bother answering. She had the three Fates as her Godmothers, for crying out loud. She was probably the safest person in the entire universe. Destiny, Fortune, and Aura were always keeping an eye on her.

  Chapter Six

  Simon stood in the shadows watching Tory Carson as she stepped out of the restaurant. She had changed from jeans and the blue blouse she had been wearing earlier to a sexy black long sleeve sweater dress with matching knee high, low heeled black boots. He liked her in a dress. It brought up all kinds of things he’d like to do to her. Namely, bend her over, lift it up, and bury himself all the way to his balls in her.

  His eyes followed her as she wandered along the storefronts, pausing occasionally to look at a display before moving on to the next one. His eyes narrowed on a pair of young men who turned and watched as she walked by them. A low growl escaped him when the taller of the two nudged the other. Soon, they were following a short distance behind her.

  A shiver of unease coursed through him when the two males turned down the narrow street behind her. A low curse escaped Simon when he realized that Tory appeared oblivious to the fact that she was being followed. Hell, she wasn’t even taking the basic precautions a woman out alone should follow. She was alone late at night, walking down a deserted narrow lane, and not paying attention to what was going on around her. She just kept sniffing at the bag of food she had picked up.

  He pulled the black leather jacket he was wearing off. Holding it loosely in one hand, he flicked the button at the top of his jeans free. It looked like he was going to be scaring more than Tory tonight. He flicked open his cell phone and punched the number for Youssef.