Taming the Alpha Read online

Page 10

  “Be prepared for a cleanup mission,” he growled. “Lock on my location.”

  “You are not going to kill her, are you?” Youssef hissed in dismay.

  “Not her, the two men following her,” Simon replied in a low voice as he rounded the next corner. He watched in disbelief as Tory stepped up to the iron gates of one of the local cemeteries, opened it, and slipped inside. “I swear I have never met a more clueless female in my life.”

  “Then why do you chance discovery?” Youssef demanded. “Let fate do what it will with her.”

  “Because she is mine,” Simon replied. “Magnolia Cemetery on Cunnington Aveune.”

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” Youssef promised. He stopped on the street across from the entrance to the cemetery. The two men had paused at the entrance to the cemetery and where they argued in quiet voices. He could hear every word of their conversation and it only heated the fire of rage building inside him.

  “This is crazy,” the shorter man who smelled like stale cigarettes muttered. “Let’s find some other chic.”

  “No,” the tall, lanky one hissed. “Did you see the curves on her? Did you see the size of her tits? This one is perfect?”

  “She might be perfect, but she walked into a fucking cemetery,” the first man argued. “Normal chics don’t go into cemeteries at night. Besides, what if someone sees us?”

  “Who’s going to see us? The ghosts? Everybody is dead, man,” the lanky male chuckled. “Dead people don’t talk, dude. Come on.”

  “I don’t like this,” the first man grumbled. “I’d rather find some bitch down near the harbor.”

  “I get her ass,” the lanky male replied. “Since you’re such a pussy, you can have that.”

  Simon started across the street as the words faded. By the time he got done with the two men, there wouldn’t be anything left for Youssef to clean up. He was going to rip them to shreds and burying their remains among the dead.

  Slipping through the gate, he stripped off his clothing before calling forth the beast inside him. It was time to hunt. First, he would kill the two men. Then, he would take his prize, the clueless woman that would discover he was all male.


  Tory waved to another ghost who smiled and floated away from her. She loved walking through cemeteries. There were so many interesting people who had lived during all different time periods. Cemeteries were the best place to learn about the past.

  Mrs. Fitzpatrick, a widow from the 1800’s who still hung out at the Magic cemetery, was one of her best friends even if she was an old ghost. Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Sheriff Buchanan, the first sheriff of Magic, had helped her with her history during high school. She would have failed if it hadn’t been for them.

  “How’re you doing? Nice to meet you. Is there a nice place to sit and have dinner?” Tory asked one group of soldiers gathered around a ghostly fire.

  “Down by the pond is nice,” one of the soldiers in gray replied. “Nice night. If you come back again in a couple days, the moon will be full and it is real pretty, then.”

  “Thank you. I’ll have to make sure I come back.,” Tory replied with a grin. “See you.”

  “Have a good evening, ma’am,” another soldier replied, looking with envy at Tory’s ass as she walked away. “I wish they had women like that when I was alive.”

  Ghostly laughter filled the air as the soldier turned back to his comrades. Tory heard the comment and chuckled. Yep, there was always a ‘lively’ bunch in the cemetery.

  She wove her way through the beautiful, peaceful tombstones enjoying the cool evening and the serenity of the grounds. Some of the tombstones were works of art, while others shared their tragic stories. She remembered being fascinated and saddened by the tales the ghosts told her.

  She had been around seven the first time she went down to the cemetery in Magic. A sigh escaped her as she remembered crying when one little girl, the same age as her at the time, told her how she had died on a dark winter morning after being ill. The young girl’s mother sat beside her, brushing her hair as they talked about what they liked to do. The girl’s father sat nearby chatting with Sheriff Buchanan.

  Tory thought of her Aunt Topper. Topper had found her sitting on a bench in the lone shade of a mature Juniper tree with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her aunt had sat with her and helped her to understand that there were many different levels to life than just living.


  Tory shook her head and turned when she heard a whispered warning from a nearby ghost. Pulling her thoughts away from her memories, she froze. Her eyes skimmed the darkened landscape. Two men moved silently through the graveyard. It was clear that they were looking for someone.

  The faint outline of the soldier who had told her about the pond floated toward her. She waited until he was close before she spoke in a low tone. Something told her that the two men were not just out for an evening stroll.

  “They look for you, ma’am,” the young soldier warned her. “Do you want us to scare them away.”

  “No,” Tory said, feeling her teeth lengthen. “No, I’ll take care of this.”

  “Be careful,” the soldier replied. “Me and the boys will be close if you need us.”

  “Thank you,” Tory replied, setting her dinner down on the top of a headstone.

  She started to turn away when another shape moved in the darkness. It took a moment for her to realize that it was either a very large dog, or more than likely….

  “Simon,” Tory muttered. “Humans, first. Werewolf, second.”

  Swirling, Tory transformed. This time, she was a sleek raven. Soaring upward, she flew toward where one of the men had circled around the large pyramid tomb. She transformed just a few feet behind the short, stocky man.

  “Can I help you find someone?” Tory asked, smothering a grin when he turned with a startled cry.

  The man stood frozen in surprise as she took a step closer to him. He swallowed several times as he tried to force the words out. Sweat beaded on his forehead despite the chill of the air.

  “Where in the hell did you come from?” He croaked out at last.

  “Why are you following me?” Tory asked instead, tilting her head to look at him. She sniffed the air. “Just out of curiosity, what blood type are you?”

  “O… I have Type O,” he whispered before clearing his throat. “Why?”

  “Damn, oh well,” Tory muttered in disappointment. “You know, smoking isn’t good for you, right?”

  “I know. I’ve been trying to quit. Why… why do you… Why do you want to know what blood type I am?” He suddenly asked in confusion.

  “Maybe she wants to drink it,” another voice commented behind her.

  Tory turned and gazed at the other man. She had heard him coming up. She ran her gaze up and down him as well. Sniffing the air, she was disappointed that this guy smoked as well. They both probably had the same blood type too. It really didn’t matter. She might be hungry, but neither one of the men whetted her appetite like Simon Drayton did.

  Now, that man had whetted her appetite so fast, so hard, she knew she was in trouble. That was why she had turned attention to Youssef. Thank goodness he had come in. She had been pulling Simon’s hair back to expose more of his neck. Another few seconds and her teeth would have been buried in his succulent vein and she would have been feasting on his ‘A’ positive blood.

  Tory studied the man and wiggled her nose. “Not likely,” she replied. “He smells. So do you. Besides, you are both the wrong sort for me. I have to be careful who I bite.”

  “Now, ain’t that a shame,” the tall man replied. “I’m sure Ray will appreciate it, though.”

  “Why?” Tory asked, standing tensely as the man stepped closer.

  “‘Cause, you little darling, are about to get fucked,” the man chuckled. “Every which way.”

  “Howie, I don’t like this,” Ray muttered as a chill wash over him. “Somethings not right.”

The only thing that ain’t right is you turning coward,” Howie snapped, not taking his eyes off of Tory. “Let’s see if your tits are as pretty without your dress on.”

  Tory shook her head. “I don’t think so,” she said, folding her arms across her chest. “I’m giving you one chance, and one chance only, to promise to never harm another living soul.”

  The sound of Howie’s laughter echoed in the cool evening. Neither man seemed aware that a light fog was beginning to rise up from the ground. Tory noticed it. It was the spirits living in the cemetery. They protected their own and she was not human.

  “Ray, grab her,” Howie ordered.

  “Howie,” Ray started to argue.

  “Now! She knows our names thanks to you. You think she’ll keep her mouth shut? She’ll have the police on us if we let her live,” Howie snapped.

  “Shit!” Ray choked out, reaching for Tory.

  Tory didn’t wait. The moment Ray reached for her, she moved. One second she was in between the two men, the next she was behind him. She gripped his neck and tilted it.

  She couldn’t kill him, but she couldn’t let him go either. The chemicals released in her bite would paralyze the man without harming him and she would be able to erase his memories of her.

  Distaste and distress washed through her as she sank her teeth into his neck. The foul taste of Ray’s blood washed through her mouth, gagging her. Unfortunately, along with the blood came the man’s sad, tortured memories of his life.

  Tory tried not to swallow any of the blood, but her starving body demanded it. The raw steak she had purchased was forgotten. A loud snarl filled the air, followed by heavy curses.

  Her eyes flickered up in time to see Howie turn to look between two large tombstones. His eyes widened in terror before he turned and bolted, leaving his friend behind. Simon’s dark shape flashed out from where Howie had been looking.

  Tory knew that she would have to stop Simon or he would kill the other man. Sending a swift command through the link she now had with Ray, she sent him into a deep slumber. Withdrawing her fangs, she let him drop to the ground.

  “Watch him,” Tory choked out. “I have to stop Simon.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the soldier said with a nod.

  Tory didn’t wait. She took off running after Simon and Howie. She ignored the fierce burning that was boiling in her stomach and threatened to choke her. She needed fresh blood. Fresh blood that she could drink to dilute the tainted blood she had in her system. She needed Simon’s blood.

  She weaved in and out between the headstones. She tried to shift, but her strength and the churning pain building inside her prevented it. She gasped as she heard Howie’s loud scream and the vicious snarl of Simon.

  Breaking around the side of a curving oak, she gripped the rough bark to steady her shaking limbs. Drawing in a deep breath, she gazed at where Howie was crouched against the front of a headstone. His left pant leg was torn and the scent of his blood filled the air, adding to Tory’s misery.

  “Simon,” she called out weakly. “Simon, please. I need your help. Please, it hurts.”

  Chapter Seven

  It had taken Simon several minutes to pick up the men’s trail. They had parted ways several times and it had made it more difficult. He had finally decided to focus on the tall, lanky male. Out of the two males, Simon was confident that he was the ringleader of the pair.

  A red haze had covered his eyes when he saw Tory trapped between the two men. The beast only recognized that the female he had claimed was in danger. When the man he was focused on turned and ran, the instinct to hunt overwhelmed him.

  Simon dodged another headstone as he closed the distance between him and his prey. He stretched out with his paw and dragged his razor sharp claws down the male’s left leg. A strangled scream escaped the man as he twisted away.

  Harsh sobs filled the air as the human tried to make himself smaller. Simon’s lip curled, revealing his sharp teeth. A loud, menacing snarl escaped him as he stepped closer. His only thought was to rip the male apart for threatening Tory.

  He took another step closer. In the distance, he could hear the sound of running feet. Youssef and the select few that knew about him had arrived. He would save Youssef the trouble of hiding this body.

  A low growl escaped him when the man tried to reach into his jacket pocket. Simon could smell the faint scent of gunpowder. He turned when he heard Youssef call out a warning.

  “I wouldn’t if you want to live,” Youssef warned, aiming his own pistol at the man. “Hands behind your head, roll onto your stomach! Now!”

  “Are you fucking crazy! Shoot it! Shoot it!” Howie screamed.

  “If I shoot anything, it will be you,” Youssef replied coldly. “You have to the count of two to roll onto your stomach. Otherwise, I will look the other way while he rips you to pieces.”

  Simon howled loudly when Howie rolled over onto his stomach on the ground and covered his head with his hands. Huge white paws raked the ground. Dirt, leaves, grass, and moss flew up behind him as he fought the urge to attack.

  “We have the other male as well,” Youssef said after a voice spoke in his earpiece. “The girl is missing, though.”

  “Simon,” a soft voice called out weakly from the dark shadows of a tree to their right. “Simon, please. I need your help. Please, it hurts.”

  Simon’s massive head turned. His glittering blue eyes locked on the bent figure holding onto the tree. A low whine escaped him when he saw Tory slide down to the ground. Her body heaved as if she was about to vomit.

  Twisting away from where Youssef and another of his security detail were handcuffing the human male, he padded swiftly over to where Tory half sat, half lay on the moist ground. He pressed his face up against her outstretched hand. A low rumble of approval escaped him when her fingers tightened on the hair at his nape.

  “Please,” she whispered in a voice filled with pain. “I need your help.”

  “What is wrong?” Simon demanded after he shifted and desperately wrapped his hands in her thick brown hair. “What did they do to you? I smell his blood on you.”

  “Come closer,” she begged. “Please, it hurts so badly.”

  Simon leaned closer, pulling her sideways onto his thick thighs. His arm wrapped around her as he felt a spasm of pain rip through her. A low cry escaped her as she bowed backwards in agony.

  “Tory, what is it? Tell me what I can do,” Simon demanded in a frantic voice. “Tory, tell me where they hurt you.”

  “Close… Closer,” she begged.

  “Tory,” Simon said as he pulled her face to his neck and held her tightly as another wave of agonizing pain swept through her. “Tory!”

  Simon’s body stiffened in surprise when he felt the sharp flare of pain, followed by ecstasy as her sharp teeth sank into the throbbing vein in his neck.


  Relief flooded through Tory as Simon’s sweet elixir mixed with Ray’s toxic blood and quickly diluted it. The pain that had been ripping her apart turned to heat as she drank deeply.

  She knew she should release him, but he tasted so good, so sweet. She moaned and pressed closer to his warm body. Her hand slid over his bare shoulder to clench him tightly against her as she rubbed her ass back and forth where she was sitting across his upper thighs.

  Something hard and thick, pushed against the back of her dress. She wiggled her ass again and was rewarded with a deep, rich groan that matched her own. Her lips caressed the flesh and her tongue teased him as she began stroking him.

  Never in her life had she ever tasted blood so rich, so sweet, and so addictive that she could feel her body flood with heat. It pooled low between her legs making her ache with an intensity that shook her. She kneaded the flesh under the palms of her hands and rocked back and forth as the pleasure built.

  The hands wrapped around her tightened, trying to hold her still, but it was impossible. She was lost in the height of pleasure as his blood heated her until she felt like she was
a volcano about to explode. The pressure exploded through her when he suddenly shuddered in her arms and released a low cry.

  Her own body clenched in response and the pooling lava burst forth in an unexpected orgasm that shook her. Mind-blowing pleasure ricocheted through her, stunning her with the ferocity of its release.

  Tory ripped her teeth from his neck with a loud cry. The pleasure was so unexpected and powerful that she stared up at him in stunned silence before her eyelashes fluttered and she collapsed limply in his arms. If she had remained conscious long enough, she would have discovered she was not the only one stunned by what had happened.


  Simon was silent as he carried Tory’s limp body through the cemetery. He refused to look anywhere else, but straight ahead. For the first time, he was seeing things that he had never seen before. Ghostly figures moved among the tombstones, following the small group as they made their way to the main gates.

  “Simon,” Youssef murmured in an uneasy voice.

  “Not here, Youssef,” Simon interrupted. “When we get to the car.”

  “Yes,” Youssef replied. He glanced at the two men stumbling behind them. “Take them to the police station and file a report.”

  “Yes, sir,” one of the men replied.

  Simon stepped through the gate and swiftly climbed into the waiting SUV as the driver hurriedly opened the door. He winced when the rough material of his jeans brushed against his semi-engorged cock. Fortunately, Youssef had followed the GPS in Simon’s cell phone and retrieved his clothing by the gate as he came through it. After Tory fainted, Simon had reluctantly handed her limp body to Youssef while he slipped his jeans and black cotton, pull-over shirt on. At the moment, even that short separation was difficult for him and he had quickly retrieved her back into his arms.

  He settled Tory’s limp body more comfortably against him. Her head was cradled against his left shoulder while her body draped over the rest of him. Dirt stained her knees where she had sunk down by the tree and bits of damp grass clung to her low-heeled black boots.


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